Frequently asked questions
The WendeWolf® process is designed for medium-sized wastewater treatment plants. The projects we have realized range from 5,000 to 500,000 population equivalents with a drying area of 500 to 12,500m². Sludge volumes per year at these plants are approximately 400 – 32,850 tons (mechanically dewatered). The system is modular, the size of a single hall is 12 x 120 meters, i.e. 1’440m².
Additional halls may be erected if required by the quantities of sludge produced.
The evaporation rate decreases as soon as a degree of dryness of about 65% DS is reached. If invoicing is based on weight only, drying above about 65% DS is usually no longer worthwhile. Example: Feeding the filter cake into the dryer with 25% DS. Each ton contains 750 kg of water and 250 kg of solids. If dried to 65%, the remaining quantity is 250/0.65 = 384 kg, of which 250 kg is solids and 134 kg is water. Of the original water content of 750 kg, 616 kg or 82% have therefore already evaporated. If it is desired to dry to 85%, the remaining quantity is still 250/0.85 = 294 kg, of which 44 kg is water.